Saturday, December 4, 2010

Opening Day

Well folks, today we officially opened the doors...annnddd...SUCCESS! We served a lot of people delicious confections and finally were able to get home at a decent hour (being 10:30pm). Wahoo! :) Well not a whole lot to say and should probably be sleeping rather than blogging considering we start over at 8am tomorrow morning.

Things we've learned through this experience so far:
1. Turning a business around in 7 days....not impossible.
2. Turning a business around in 7 days is VERY tiring!
3. We have an AMAZING(!!) support system helping us every step of the process!

Wish I could think of more to say and maybe I could if I was a little less sleep deprived but for right now that is my cue to get some sleep! Good night everyone!


  1. Danelle! That's so awesome. We wish you every success in this new venture. You'll be great!

  2. The pictures have looked amazing! For some reason, having chocolate all lined up like that makes it look even more appealing to eat! Keep up the hard'll start seeing more and more people coming through those doors!
