Friday, November 12, 2010

Entering the Blogging World

Today I shall become a "blogger". I've always thought it would be fun to get into the blog world but never thought that I could actually do it. I love reading other blogs but I'm just not sure if I've got what it takes. We'll see if anyone actually enjoys reading my two cents worth. Ha!

This year has brought many changes, all very good, to my life. I graduated college in May, got married in June, and now my husband and I are getting ready to move to the sunny (not so snow prone) state of California. My wonderful husband interviewed and was given the opportunity, from the university that we graduated from, to become a franchisee of a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory store. His degree in Business Management and dream to own a business make this a "sweet" opportunity. Pun intended. Sunny, perfect weather California happens to be where this adventure will land us. I know, I know...sounds rough!

This week has been a whirlwind and the moving countdown has begun. 7 days stand between us and a very LONG road trip. I keep going through different emotions about the fast approaching D-Day. One minute I'll be very excited, can't wait to get there and get started when the next minute I'm thinking how much I'll miss being so close to my amazing friends and family that are so dear to me. I keep saying, and really do mean, I want everyone to come visit us! I'll even bribe you with delicious chocolate and taking you to the beach!

I really should get back to packing. I have boxes staring me down as I am very conveniently procrastinating the dreaded process. Let the purging continue..


  1. Congrats on becoming a blogger and on the big move in your life. Sounds like a fun and exciting adventure! I look forward to following your blog ;)

  2. I am so glad you have decided to blog...that's how I keep up with Lesley. I am excited for your move and also very sad. I will miss you guys!

  3. I didnt read this one until after the second one. This one's fun too! Ha. And I'd like to point out that my mom never comments on my blog!

  4. #1) So happy your purging has landed me a much-needed textbook!

    #2) I can't wait to visit you!

    #3) I think I should go too! :)

    Awesome blog entries so far! Keep it up!
