Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh What a Saturday

Woke up this morning wide awake at 7 am on a Saturday! My body gets so use to waking up on a schedule that it can't sense when it is the weekend. Oh well, gives me more time to get things done I suppose. This morning I decided to be a good wife and deliver my husband breakfast in bed. Although of course I was doing it so that he would enjoy it...annnnd maybe a little selfishly to get him out of bed so that I wouldn't be bored with my 7am wake up.

We have someone purchasing our sectional sofa today. Feels weird moving things out but it will be nice to not have to move the piece 1,800 miles next week. They are suppose to be picking it up around noon today which means I should probably clean up a bit AND keep packing. I feel like this packing process is never ending. Friends have told us this will probably be the easiest move we make considering we both just graduated college and live in a 2 bedroom apartment. They say "wait until you have a house, and then kids, imagine all there will be to move then". I can't even imagine!

Rob keeps telling me I should be looking up uniforms that we need to get ordered and I know we probably need to continue the (dreaded) packing. So here I go! Happy Saturday everyone!

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