Sunday, November 28, 2010

Today is the Day

Well here I am this morning at Starbucks with Robbie still back at home in bed. Once I am up in the morning, I am up and have to get up and do something. My goal was going to the store to get supplies for the store but then I found out no office supply store opens until 9 a.m., so I took a detour!

Yesterday was a busy day for us. We had our new furniture delivered (I'll try to post pictures later) and did other business tasks. Our Californian apartment is finally starting to look like a home. Now all we need is our stuff from Missouri to arrive. We also set up our internet and cable service which will be hooked up Tuesday! Even though I do love a good Starbucks vanilla nonfat latte it will be nice to finally be able to get internet from our apartment!

In addition to all the excitement over technology, today is the day we get the store! At 9 p.m. EST you will be looking at your newest chocolatier duo! It is ultimately everything that we have been doing the past week and for Robbie, the past couple months, will finally be at work! I've made checklist after checklist of everything we need to do this week with a day-to-day schedule in my attempt to organize our crazy lives right now. Busy, busy, but very exciting.

That's all the update I have for now, I'll try to figure out how to post some pictures on this for my next post! Have a happy Sunday everyone!!


  1. I'm glad it's about to officially become yours!! And I'm glad you're going to get internet : )

    If you're looking for an easier way to post pictures, I suggest downloading Windows Live Writer. It's MUCH easier (in my opinion), and time efficient, especially when pictures are included. If you just Google it, it should be pretty straight forward, and then you just put in your blog info, and can write and post your blogs from it.

    That's all for now. Can't for the next life update! ; )

  2. *Make that "Can't WAIT for the next life update"

  3. Exciting!! Who knew I'd have a friend in the chocolate business. I'm serious about my Starbucks idea. Tell Robbie I'd be a regular customer for a store he'd open here in MO! You could count on my regular $3.14 every day for my tall non-fat mocha! lol.
